The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, March 31, 2002


Merchant loves formal life
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Nina Nela owner does work herself

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

For Sheida Flemming selling gowns isn't a business, it's a love and a way of life.

Mrs. Flemming owns Nina Nela, 42 E. State St., Sharon. She opened the store in 1989 on Roemer Boulevard in Farrell and moved the business to Sharon in March of 1992.

Before starting Nina Nela, Mrs. Flemming said she had "never been a salesperson in my life."

Born in Persia, she said she came to the United States to attend Bryan College in Chattanooga, Tenn. She went back to Persia and eventually spent several years in Paris before returning to the United States.

Mrs. Flemming said she settled in the Shenango Valley because she had a brother attending Youngstown State University.

Since she always had a love of fashion and was searching for the right job, Mrs. Flemming said she decided to open her own boutique.

"It was like it was meant to be," she said.

"I don't call myself a business woman. This business is not about the money. It's about whatever makes people happy," Mrs. Flemming said.

"I deal with the customers like they're family," she added.

Customers are treated with a sense of ease and familiarity. She recommends flattering fits and styles for every woman who walks through her door.

Mrs. Flemming said she started the business small and has gradually grew. The boutique expanded into an empty store next door and now carries a larger selection of formal wear, especially bridal gowns, she said.

Owning and operating Nina Nela for 13 years is something Mrs. Flemming considers a character builder. She said she does everything herself including washing the windows.

"People build me in here," Mrs. Flemming said of her customers, all of whom she considers like family.

"I have the most grateful customers. This valley has been very faithful to me," she said. She added that many first-time customers return for their next special occasion.

"This now is the love of my life," Mrs. Flemming said of Nina Nela. "When I see this place, it's like I'm seeing my child."

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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