The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, April 3, 2002


Busy women can take time for themselves at retreat

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Women who have trouble taking time for themselves, might want to make time to attend a retreat for women who do too much.

The retreat, entitled "Attitudinal Healing for Women Who Do Too Much," is scheduled for Friday and Saturday at The Farm on state Route 18, between Greenville and Adamsville. The intent is to help women "renew themselves," according to retreat sponsor Kathy Gracenin of Transfer.

Mrs. Gracenin, who teaches energy choreography -- a mixture of Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga -- at her husband Nick Gracenin's Martial Arts Studio in Sharon's Buhl Club, said she noticed that all of the women in her life, including her, were always busy and need a break.

"Everyone I know is just so bound up with doing so much. This topic just fell into place." she said. "We have to be everything to everyone, and forget about ourselves."

Mimi O'Conner, a psychotherapist from Erie, will lead the two-day event.

"Attitudinal healing is an internal mental process where one learns to heal the way they see the world, to heal our perceptions," Ms. O'Conner said. "Many times, we perceive fearfully, as opposed to perceiving lovingly."

The internal therapy was developed by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky, a California psychiatrist, in the mid-'70s, she said.

Calling it an "internal work-out," her goal is to help people strengthen their inner selves.

"When it comes to working out physically, like in a gym, it's clear we should be doing it," she said. "We also have to get strong internally and that may hold us up better in the long run."

Ms. O'Conner, who has also worked with self-help guru and author Marianne Williamson, will present a three-part program at the retreat.

Friday evening's topic is "Laying Down Our Tasks, Our Directions and Foundation."

Saturday morning, after breakfast and energy therapy led by Mrs. Gracenin, the topic will be "Launching into the Process."

After lunch and free time for Reiki therapy, guided meditation, a visit with a reflexologist or a walk on paths in the nearby woods, Ms. O'Conner will take up "Walking the Talk and Embodying the Spirit ... Bringing it Home."

Ms. O'Conner said women have an especially difficult time taking time for themselves.

Some might be unable to attend the retreat because they are doing too much, which is "so paradoxical," Mrs. Gracenin said. "As women, we don't generally allow ourselves to retreat," she said.

There are fees for each session; the fee for the entire retreat includes meals and an overnight stay. For more information, call Mrs. Gracenin at (724) 962-8148.

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