The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 6, 2002


Turkey flies in for family's Easter dinner

By Lisa Mehler
Herald Staff Writer

Easter Sunday brought more than a visit by the Easter Bunny to Archie and Florence Mills' home on Cassady Road in Hermitage.

"We heard a noise but couldn't figure out where it was coming from," Mrs. Mills said. "Kids play ball around here all the time, so we thought it was a ball against the wall, or maybe something fell down."

The couple's granddaughter, Pamela Rodocoy of North Canton, Ohio, found the source of the noise when she went outside after dinner.

"She was walking around the house and saw feathers," said Mrs. Mills. She said her daughter summoned her husband Ed to look at them.

"He's a hunter, and said, 'Oh, those are turkey feathers.' It was only then that we saw the hole," Mrs. Mills said.

They determined a wild turkey had broken into their home by punching a hole through the siding.

"The hole goes into my bedroom closet," said Mrs. Mills. "Whatever happened to the turkey we'll never know."

The bird itself was never spotted. Its presence was made evident only by feathers pulled from the punctured wall. The family has since covered the cavity.

"We just couldn't believe it," Mrs. Mills said of the audacious holiday intruder.

"It's a good thing it didn't come through the window, because I was in the kitchen making dinner around that time. It was unbelievable. We didn't see the turkey, just a big hole in the wall."

Turkeys have previously been spotted near the Mills' property. "We've never had one come in the house, though" laughed Mrs. Mills.

"Anything is possible, though this is the first I've heard of something like that," said Jim Eagley, law enforcement supervisor for the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Northwest Region in Franklin.

"The bird probably was just flying and flew into the side of the house by accident," Eagley said. "There's no reason a turkey would try to get into a house that way. Usually they will fly into a window when they see the reflection in the glass."

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