The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, April 9, 2002


Smoky ruin stands where church was

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

The smell of charred lumber fills the air where the remains of the historic North Salem Methodist Church sit. The 150-year-old Salem Township church was destroyed by an early morning fire Monday.

"I don't know what started it or how it was destroyed," said the Rev. Glea Foster, pastor of the church.

Nine area fire departments responded to the blaze at 3:45 a.m. Monday on 300 Osborn Road, but were unable to salvage the church. It was last occupied on Sunday at 10:40 a.m. when Sunday School ended.

Rev. Foster, who has served the church since 1996, was a bit shaken by the blaze.

"(The church) is a part of history and it's a great loss," she said.

"But the church is not the building, it's the people. We're still going to worship together because we are the church," she added.

Church neighbor Sandra Kerns was among the first to spot the blaze.

"I woke up and looked out the window. I couldn't see the flames from the house, but I saw an orange glow," she said.

Mrs. Kerns said she woke up her husband and son who alerted a close neighbor of the church, who called for help.

"People are used to going to church there. It's hard," she said.

Sheakleyville volunteer firefighters were assisted by five Mercer County departments and three departments from Crawford County.

Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms investigators from Pittsburgh were also on the scene to investigate the cause of the fire.

They were waiting for heavy construction crews to take the remaining parts of the church building down before they could do a thorough investigation, an ATF official said.

Damage to the church was extensive. While the walls were still standing Monday, the center of the church collapsed. The loss was estimated at $300,000 police said.

Ricky Nelson, pastor of New Virginia United Methodist Church in Hermitage and Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, said the conference would help out in every way they possibly could.

"We come to help in situations like this to put our support behind churches, which includes our prayers and resources," he said.

For now, the 45 church attendees will have to attend church services elsewhere. Rev. Foster couldn't say immediately where the parish would meet.

ATF and the state police Fire Marshal Unit, New Castle, are investigating the fire. Anyone with information concerning the fire is asked to contact state police New Castle at (724)598-2211.

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