The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, April 11, 2002


Effort to bring in 4th county judge continues
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Delayed courthouse renovations begin

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

A Mercer County effort for a fourth common pleas judge and courtroom continues, and courthouse renovations that were postponed by the effort have begun, county officials said Wednesday.

President Judge Francis J. Fornelli -- the official spearheading the effort -- said the county is still waiting for concrete answers on the proposals from the Mercer County Bar Association, state lawmakers and the renovation project architect.

The bar association has been investigating the need for another judge since last month. It had planned to report back to the county this week with its opinion on the proposal, based on a member vote.

Fornelli said the association recently asked for an extension and plans to report back to the county late this month or in early May.

Fornelli is confident the association will back the proposal.

Fornelli said state Sen. Robert D. "Bob" Robbins, Salem Township, R-50th District, is the county's legislative pointman in Harrisburg. The state Legislature must approve new judgeships. Fornelli and county commissioners met last month with the county's four-man delegation of state lawmakers to discuss the proposal.

"My understanding is that Senator Robbins has introduced it (the proposal), but other counties who are making similar proposals may try to 'camp on,' " Fornelli said.

"That could possibly slow down our effort," he added.

The effort for another judge and courtroom has slowed down renovations inside the courthouse.

"It makes no sense to proceed with the project if there have to be changes in the current layout of the courthouse," Commissioner Olivia Lazor said last month as the indoor project was put on hold.

The proposed fourth courtroom would be on the third floor of the courthouse, in the area of district attorney offices and jury lounge. It would mirror the one occupied by Judge Thomas R. Dobson, which is less ornate and spacious than the other two courtrooms.

Contractors recently began working on some indoor renovations at the courthouse in the evening hours, Mrs. Lazor said. She said it was essential for heating, ventilation and air conditioning work in other parts of the building to get under way immediately -- so there could be heat by November.

The county is still waiting for a final architect's drawing illustrating changes that would be necessary to make room for a fourth courtroom. Fornelli said preliminary plans showed it would not be a monkeywrench in the project.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Tom Fontaine at

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