The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, April 18, 2002


Church fire cause declared unknown

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

The cause remains unknown of a fire that left a 150-year-old Salem Township church in ruins last week, according to investigators.

"I haven't been in touch with (the Pittsburgh branch of the federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) to see what they think," said state police fire marshal Bob Ryhal of New Castle, who helped investigate the April 8 blaze. "But it's been ruled undetermined at this time. There's a lot of little facts that we have to check into to make sure things make sense."

By law, the ATF has to investigate all church fires.

The early morning blaze that destroyed North Salem United Methodist Church, 333 Osborn Road, was too extensive to determine what caused it, said the Rev. Glea Foster, pastor. She said officials have begun "taking what's left of it away."

Despite the fire, Rev. Foster said, she and the nearly 45-member congregation are "doing fine" and are worshipping at Sheakleyville United Methodist Church.

Despite its misfortune, she said, the church hasn't "shut down." "We are still meeting and going on with the church." The congregation will continue to worship at the Sheakleyville church for the time being, she said.

To accommodate the North Salem congregation, Rev. Foster said, the churches will "flip flop" services: When the Sheakleyville congregation has Sunday morning worship, the North Salem congregation will hold Sunday school; then they'll switch.

For now, Rev. Foster said, no decisions have been made to rebuild.

"You have to move on and do what you have to do," she said. "That's what we're doing."

Firefighters were called to the blaze by a neighbor. Five fire departments from Mercer County and three from Crawford County assisted Sheakleyville volunteers

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