The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, April 26, 2002


1 of 2 delinquent debtors pays up

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

One of two business owners who were delinquent on loan payments to the city of Sharon has paid up.

Virginia Adamo, owner, of Central Perk Deli on Chestnut Street, made a payment and is now current on her revolving loan, said city Council President Fred Hoffman.

Central Perk owed the city $1,978 on a loan that was delinquent since June 2001.

Council voted last week to take further action against Central Perk and The Rib Connection on Budd Street because both loans were "seriously delinquent," according to city solicitor William Madden. He said the business owners had not acted on delinquency notices from the city.

Further action means issuing a writ for the Mercer County Sheriff's deputies to go to the stores or the loan signers homes and take items of value.

Rib Connection owners Jack and Lynette Evans still have not made any payment to the city, Hoffman said Thursday. He said Mrs. Evans has contacted him and other city officials to explain her dilemma.

Mrs. Evans said on-going problems with her landlord caused her to lose business, and she can't afford to make the payments. She said she suing her landlord and never meant to fall behind on her loan payments.

Revolving loans are low-interest loans given to businesses, usually to do renovations on a building or buy equipment.

Hoffman said the city is willing to work with business owners, and the city wouldn't have taken action if the business owners had made a "good faith effort" to arrange some kind of a payment plan.

The Rib Connection owes the city $2,334 in back payments since April 2001.

If an agreement is not reached between Mrs. Evans and the city, Hoffman said Madden is to proceed with the writ Monday.

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