The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, May 2, 2002


Girl lends voice to cause
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Alexa Magnotto's CD helps center

By Heidi Krieger

Alexa Magnotto, 12, of Hermitage has already built an impressive resume, but she's also learned an important lesson about life: how to give.

The Notre Dame School sixth-grader, who loves to sing, had always wanted to make a compact disc.

After the events of Sept. 11, she decided to make the CD and give all of the proceeds to the Prince of Peace Center in Farrell, which helps underprivileged and needy families and children.

Alexa is selling the CD containing three songs -- the national anthem, "Ave Maria" in Latin, and "God Bless America" -- for $10 at her parents' grocery store, Magnotto's Shop N' Save in Hermitage. During the Christmas holidays, she raised $1,000 from the CD sales.

Alexa said she originally thought of putting the proceeds toward Sept. 11, but since so many people were donating to that cause, "we decided to keep it local," she said.

During the summer, Alexa also sings for nursing homes, while her sister Elysse, 15, plays piano.

"Anything that is for charity, we're more than happy to do it," Alexa said.

The hardest part about making the CD, which was recorded at a friend's studio in Greenville, was the background music because sometimes it was too high, Alexa said. But she liked the experience.

"Now I know what its like," she said, noting that she hopes to make another one soon.

Alexa started taking voice lessons when she was 9 and has since sung the national anthem on more than eight occasions, including at three National Basketball Association games during the 2000-2001 season in Miami, Cleveland and Phoenix.

In addition, she has sung at a baseball game at the University of Miami -- the alma mater of her father, Michael -- and for former Gov. Tom Ridge.

Many of Alexa's friends and family drove to see her perform at the Cleveland Cavaliers' game at Gund Arena. Afterward, she said it was fun to walk around the stadium and say hi to everyone.

"People ask me 'Are you nervous?'" Alexa said. "No, I'm never nervous."

Alexa said if she messes up it doesn't matter because she will never see the people again.

Alexa has performed in many plays at the Missoula Theatre, Columbia Theatre, Civic Light Opera and Kennedy Catholic High School, including "Oliver" last weekend. She also has sung Christian music for cable TV and "The Star-Spangled Banner" for WFMJ-TV news.

When she grows up, Alexa hopes to be in the music business, maybe as a teacher, she said.

"My big-time goal is to be on Broadway," she said. "I love to sing, act and dance, and they are all put into one." When she's not working on her music, Alexa said she's doing homework, hanging out with friends or helping at the store.

She recently signed on with a talent agency and has since had the opportunity to try out for two commercials, which she didn't get, but she said it was still a good experience.

"She's got a gift from God," Alexa's mother Aileen said. "I tell her to use it wisely."

"She does it because that's what she loves to do, and she's good at it," she added.

Heidi Krieger is a senior English major at Westminster College.

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