The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, May 7, 2002


Carnegie Science Center lesson electrifies St. Joseph's students

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Students at St. Joseph Elementary School in Sharon got a hands-on education in electricity Monday.

"What's Up Doc?" is an educational program presented to elementary school students by the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh.

Linda C. Shutok-LeRoy of the Carnegie explained to students how water is heated to create steam that is then turned into electricity. She explained how the electricity is transported throughout the city though power lines to meters and fuse boxes -- or "energy load centers" -- in individual homes.

The students played games in which they guess what appliances use the most watts per hour of electricity. They learned appliances like blowdryers use the most electricity because they expend a lot of heat in a short amount of time and things like televisions sets that produce light and sound use the least amount of electricity.

Mrs. Shutok-LeRoy told the students one hour of blow-drying your hair is equal to six hours of watching the television.

The program was brought to St. Joseph's through the SEED, Students Extra Educational Development, at Shop 'n Save in Hermitage, said Debbie Mogel, a substitute teacher and parent.

Mrs. Mogel said students collected grocery receipts from the store. At least $250 worth of receipts had to be collected from each of St. Joseph's 297 students in kindergarten through eighth grade, she said.

Mrs. Mogel said she hopes the SEED program can become a yearly event at the school. There are other SEED programs offered by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and the Carnegie Science Center.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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