The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, May 8, 2002


Fire levies approved, Lifelines fails

Voters approved fire levies in Brookfield and Orangeville Tuesday, but they nixed a Trumbull County drug and alcohol levy.

In Brookfield, an additional 2-mill levy for the upgrading and maintenance of fire equipment passed 1,131 to 675. The levy will cost the average taxpayer about $24 a year.

"I wasn't surprised it passed, but I was surprised by the margin it passed," Fire Chief Keith Barrett said this morning. "We had a lot of support yesterday, even with the low voter turn-out."

Barrett said the levy's passage will enable the department to come up with a fire equipment upgrade plan to keep insurance rates in the township at status quo.

A similar 1-mill levy in Orangeville passed on a sparse vote of 27 to 5.

The levy will help maintain fire equipment and buildings, and will be paid by taxpayers for five years, with the first payment due in 2003.

Trumbull County voters turned down a 1-mill levy to support Trumbull Lifelines alcohol and drug addiction programs and county mental health programs.

The levy, which failed by fewer than 100 votes, would have paid for the operation of the drug and alcohol addiction and mental health programs and facilities supported by Trumbull Lifelines Trumbull County Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board.

The Lifelines levy failed 18,609 to 17,513.

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