The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, May 10, 2002


Unions stump here for Casey, citing trade, workers' comp

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

AFL-CIO and Teamsters' union members stumped for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Robert P. Casey Jr. Thursday in Mercer County, saying Casey has the statewide experience to lead Pennsylvania and a compassion for working families that his opponent, Edward G. Rendell, does not.

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President William George led the charge yesterday.

George said two blue-collar issues -- trade and workers' comp -- clearly separate the candidates.

George said state Auditor General Casey opposes NAFTA and other "unfair trade deals that send union jobs overseas, weaken workers' rights and endanger the environment," while former Philadelphia Mayor Rendell supported NAFTA and other trade laws that cost thousands of jobs.

George also said that Casey has supported strengthening and protecting workers' compensation laws to guarantee full benefits for injured workers, while Rendell "sided with former Gov. Tom Ridge by supporting massive changes to the workers' comp system that cut benefits for injured workers."

"Bob Casey has stood with us," George said.

George hopes a statewide union campaign will get Democrats to stand with Casey on May 21, the date of the primary election. The AFL-CIO, Teamsters and Pennsylvania State Education Association -- all of which have endorsed Casey -- include about 1.2 million members across the state.

The state AFL-CIO has sent its 900,000 members three mailings outlining their support of Casey, and each union local has sent their members a fourth mailing, George said. Union phone banks have made 150,000 calls to workers, and union officials have handed out countless leaflets at plant gates and in communities across the state, he added. He said eight union groups will be on the road canvassing the state for support until the election.

George said union polling shows about three-quarters of workers support Casey.

Some statewide polls show Rendell leading by as many as 10 percentage points in the race; he had been trailing by double digits earlier this year.

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