The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, May 14, 2002


Noted educator to speak at event

Dr. Sam Heastie, special assistant to the president and assistant professor of psychology at Grove City College, will speak Thursday at the Shenango Valley Urban League's Annual Awards Dinner.

The banquet begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, Shenango Township. This year's dinner theme is "A United Front For Our Future."

A former college dropout, Heastie holds a doctorate degree in educational psychology from West Virginia University, Morgantown.

In 1986, shortly after receiving his bachelor's in biblical studies from Freed-Hardeman University in Tennessee, Heastie became a secondary school teacher in the public school system.

As a teacher, the Nassau, Bahamas native subscribed to the philosophy that every student can learn and, given the tools for effective learning, every student can perform well. He provided students with scientific tools to improve their memory and trained them how to become more organized and better managers of their time.

Heastie also worked with students' families, teaching them how to build confidence in their children's' ability to perform to their optimum academic potential.

Heastie's desire to improve his own skills motivated him to return to the United States in 1989. In the spring of 1993 he graduated with a master's in psychology from LaSalle University in Philadelphia. Afterward, he began working as a behavior specialist with at-risk students in the Philadelphia School District. That work led to his pursuit of a doctorate at WVU.

As one who has experienced the lows of setbacks and the highs of success, Heastie says he committed himself to providing opportunities for students to increase their academic aptitude, improve their scholastic proficiency and realize their educational goals.

As well as his work at Grove City College, Heastie works nationally and internationally to encourage and provide the means for students to attend college.

For more information about the banquet, call (724) 981-5310.

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