The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, May 24, 2002


Young famed mayor marries memorable local couple

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Young Mercer Mayor Chris Portman performed his first wedding ceremony Thursday afternoon and wished the bride and groom -- the former Cristal Royle and Dennis Bollinger -- "the best of luck."

The 19-year-old mayor said his age has never affected his official duties, not even when it came down to performing a wedding ceremony with a couple older than he is.

"I knew as mayor I would have to do (wedding ceremonies). I wasn't nervous. I was very confidant today," he said. "This is obviously something not everybody gets to experience. I'll definitely hold it dear to my heart. It holds meaning for me because it's my first wedding."

Portman said he received a call at his office Monday from Dennis Bollinger, 31, of Chestnut Street in West Middlesex, who wanted to know if the mayor could officiate at their wedding. Portman said "of course" and chose the Mercer borough building for the ceremony.

To prepare, Portman said he had to review legal proceedings to make sure he followed the rules correctly. Ironically, he said he also requested a copy of vows several weeks ago from a friend who happens to be a mayor in Ohio, not knowing he'd soon be performing a ceremony of his own. He said the packet he received had vows for a variety of weddings, such as secular and non-secular, and with or without rings.

He added his own flair to the Bollinger vows, he said, by reading a piece on what rings symbolize and by changing a few words "to make it flow."

Dennis Bollinger said he wanted the wedding to be small and special, which is why he called the mayor to do the job.

"It was brought to my attention that he was the youngest mayor ever and it turned out that this was his first wedding ever," said Dennis Bollinger, who also chose an unusual way to propose marriage.

In early January he used a unique way to propose to Mrs. Bollinger, 23, then of Mercer, and girlfriend of four months.

The day before his birthday he popped the big question using a flashing marquee in front of the Shenango Valley Mall in Hermitage. It read: "Cristal Royle...will you...marry me... love Dennis."

After she said yes, the couple planned to marry in a year or two.

"I feel complete," Cristal Bollinger said after the ceremony. "(Portman) made it a wedding to remember, that's for sure."

Linda and Dan Bollinger, the groom's parents, said, "It was a big surprise, but we're excited. Cristal's a great girl."

The bride and groom plan to leave in a week for a nine-day honeymoon in Florida.

"I've never seen the ocean," Mrs. Bollinger said.

When Portman was elected in November 2001, he was declared the youngest person ever to become mayor in Mercer County. He is studying broadcast journalism at Westminster College and plans to be a political broadcaster.

He's already in demand for another wedding ceremony on Aug. 3.

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