The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, May 29, 2002


Water plant divides board
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Sale's main backer denies he's in line for 'finder's' fee'

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

Greenville Municipal Authority apparently will not begin seeking offers from potential buyers of its water system for at least another month.

After a verbal sparring match Tuesday, most of which is unfit to print, the authority board voted down a motion by Dick Miller to authorize Hermitage lawyer Peter Acker to "open negotiations with Pennsylvania Consumers, American Water and any other parties interested in acquiring the water system and business of (the authority)."

Miller's was the lone vote in support of the motion; Thomas D'Alfonso Jr. and Jack Dershimer voted against it, while Janet Hurlbert abstained.

For several months, the board has discussed exploring a potential multi-million dollar sale of the water system, and last month hired Acker at a rate of $85 an hour to represent its interests through the process. So far, the board has not told him to start exploring.

Miller and some borough officials have said that selling the system could help the borough get out of the state Act 47 program for financially distressed communities more quickly. The authority board -- which operates independently of the borough but is appointed by council -- could sell the system, pay off its $4 million debt and then dissolve, automatically transferring remaining proceeds from the sale to the borough.

"I've never seen anyone take so long to begin to begin. We've been playing cutesies for six months," Miller said before the vote, as the votes appeared to line up against his motion.

"I represent the taxpayers. I'm not in a hurry to sell anything," D'Alfonso said, adding that the borough should proceed with caution in considering a "one-time sale of a borough asset."

D'Alfonso later suggested that perhaps, since taxpayers paid for the system and its water-treatment plant, a sale should be put in the hands of voters with a ballot referendum.

"With no information? You're hiding something," Miller said.

"Hiding something? You need to look in the mirror, Richard," D'Alfonso said. Minutes later, Dershimer asked Miller if he was going to pocket a "finder's fee" if the system is sold.

Bedlam ensued.

"You ignorant ...(S.O.B.)," Miller said, cautioning Dershimer that repeating the question could result in legal action.

After the meeting, Miller denied he was collecting a finder's fee and described Dershimer's question as the "tactics of people who do not want to look at another option."

"I am absolutely not collecting a finder's fee. It's absurd, but I'm not surprised," he said.

Dershimer said he has no knowledge that Miller has lined up a finder's fee. "That's why I asked," he said.

Later in the meeting the board voted to invite Acker to its meeting next month.

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