The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, May 29, 2002


Thieves steal Moose lodge safe, truck

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

Those behind past safe heists in the Greenville area may have struck again over the Memorial Day weekend, this time stealing a safe from Moose Lodge 276 and a Greenville Municipal Authority pickup truck to haul it away, Greenville-West Salem Township Acting Police Chief Tom Strahler said this morning.

Strahler said the thief or thieves rolled the 500-plus-lb. safe out of the rear loading dock of the club and into the bed of the waiting pickup, a 2002 Ford Ranger which had been parked inside the municipal authority.

Strahler said he was uncertain whether the thief or thieves broke into the club or the authority first, but said the break-ins were early Sunday. Strahler also was uncertain how entry into the club was gained -- there were no signs of forced entry -- but said a door at the municipal authority had been pried open.

The Moose reported the break-in late Sunday morning, while the municipal authority -- which was closed Monday for Memorial Day -- reported the missing truck Tuesday morning.

"Acting on a hunch," Strahler said, police went to an area where trucks had been left after similar safe heists in the surrounding area over the past couple of years. The municipal authority's truck was found Tuesday stuck in the mud in a plowed field off of Kidds Mill Road in Delaware Township, Strahler said.

The safe had been pried open and an undetermined amount of money taken, Strahler said.

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