The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, June 4, 2002


Board borrows $3 million
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OKs about $400,000 in change orders

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon school directors agreed to borrow an additional $3 million Monday to pay for school renovations, a move that will add 2 mills to future tax levies.

The board also approved nearly $400,000 in change orders for new locker rooms at the high school and decided to delay a $7.6 million renovation of Case Avenue Elementary School.

Directors voted to take out a $3,175,000 bond issue to pay for the rest of the $16.8 million-plus renovation of the high school, the change orders, $525,000 to renovate the Donald A. Bennett Educational Service Center and up to $155,000 for a security system at the high school.

Directors are still deciding on the scope of the security project.

The bond issue will not affect the 2002-03 budget but there will have to be a 2-mill tax increase the following year to raise enough money to pay off the debt, Business Manager James Wolf said. Under a bond issue, public entities issue bonds that are bought by private investors.

Each mill of tax costs the average taxpayer about $15, according to district figures. A mill of taxes brings in $96,000 for the district.

Directors passed on a proposed $10 million bond issue in favor of the $3.175 million move. The additional cash would have covered the Case renovations.

Case Avenue administrators said the building is in disrepair, and there are problems with heating and ventilation, and water and bees are getting into the building because of a deteriorating exterior.

Directors approved a total of $391,814 in change orders for additional work at the high school.

The largest of the change orders totals $349,795 for renovations to the high school locker rooms. The change orders include $249,800 for Hudson Group, Inc., Hermitage; $5,490 for A&B Mechanical, Inc., New Castle; $9,625 to Enders Plumbing & Heating Co., Kittanning, Pa.; and $84,880 to Blackhawk Neff, Inc., New Castle.

The change orders for the locker room must be approved by the state Department of Education because it's such a large sum, said Greer Hayden of HHSDR Architects and Engineers, Sharon. The department may tell the district the project has to go out for bidding, he said.

Directors initially voted 4-4 on the change orders with Kathy Hall, Dominick Russo, Melvin Bandzak and Pamela Corini voting no and Sandra Sigler-Hoover, Linda Valentino, Joyce Grimmenstein and Richard Mancino voting yes.

Bandzak questioned a price difference between what was quoted on the locker rooms versus the change order costs. Hayden said the initial quotes were from 1998.

Hayden told directors they have a 50-50 chance at getting a lower price if they put the project out to bid. He said he thinks the price is in line with the scope of the project.

Directors voted again on the change orders and they passed, 7 to 1, with Mrs. Corini still voting no.

Mrs. Corini said she voted against the change orders because she thinks Case Avenue needs renovated and doesn't agree with such a large change order to the high school.

Mrs. Valentino said she thinks the district should finish one project -- the high school -- before moving onto another project.

Other change orders from Hudson Group, Inc., Hermitage, included $7,855 for the office handicapped restroom, $4,150 for an extended Dumpster pad and $3,594 for the removal of seating and the addition of carpeting in the large group instruction room.

The board also approved change orders from Greenmoor Inc., Avella, Pa., for $2,500 for the removal of asbestos floor tile and $23,920 from Morgan Interior Systems, Bakerstown, Pa., for new cafeteria table and chairs.

Directors removed $74,086 in change orders to refinish bleacher seats in the gym and add railings and vinyl seat coverings to the first six rows of seats.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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