The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, June 13, 2002


Program can hone workplace skills

By Melissa Finley
Herald Staff Writer

Adult Literacy, Lawrence County recently began a new program which is provided free for Lawrence and Mercer County residents.

The program promotes essential skills for adults in the workplace. These skills include four main areas: reading, mathematics, communications/writing, and employee ability skills.

The literacy program not only teaches and hones skills in these areas, but can help interested students prepare for jobs, work towards promotions and advancements within jobs, or to get a General Educational Development certificate or to get into college.

"We want people to be able to practice and learn these skills without interrupting putting bread on the table (earning income)," said spokeswoman for Adult Literacy, Lawrence County, Jan Smith.

The program works through three forms: free work book supplements to lessons, Internet lessons, and/or video lessons. Currently, the Internet version is the most popular for learning.

Work for the courses can be done at home at the student's convenience or at a provided facility such as a church, school, or library, as coordinated with the Adult Literacy program.

The program is done at the student's own pace and the student can start and finish at any time. A person can go through all four lesson books (the one of the four categories per book), or stop after one of the books.

On-line instructors are available with each lesson, who check and offer feedback on all completed homework assignments.

"Our world has moved into a 24/7 society and we are providing a non-traditional source of learning," said Ms. Smith. "It is customized learning that works with the student. If you want to work second shift and come home to study at 2 a.m., you can," she said.

All resources, as well as the program itself, is free of charge. It is sponsored by the Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Adult Education Program, and a Public Broadcasting Systems' Web site. The PBS Web site is the Internet provider for all computer courses, which are found at

"It is a great opportunity for non-traditional learners to take the time to brush up on these skills," said Director of the Adult Literacy, Lawrence County office, Marcia Anderson. "This is totally free for them and really provides them with experience and practice for the employment world or college," she said.

After contacting the office, an orientation is scheduled. following the orientation, the office will set up the prospective student with the Web site and give them the first lesson.

If students are not familiar with computers or Internet use, lessons are also available for teaching them computer lessons.

Interested students can contact the Adult Literacy, Lawrence County office at (724)654-1500 to set up an orientation for the program.

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