The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, June 23, 2002

Construction-zone businesses
trying to make the best of it

By Michael Roknick

Herald Business Editor

Like an athlete undergoing training for the big game, most businesses along the 2.5-mile construction zone of Route 18 say they're willing to shoulder the short-term pain for the long-term gain.

Serious construction has been under way for months along the heavily-traveled highway in Hermitage from the Shenango Valley Mall to just past Faith Presbyterian Church. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is overseeing the widening of the highway from two to five lanes, including a center turning lane. And, if all goes as planned, the state agency expects the entire job to be completed by mid-October.

There's no question business is off, said Joe Fortuna, owner of The Cookery restaurant along the highway.

"But it's not as bad as people think,'' Fortuna said. "People are talking this up like it's really severe and that's just not the case.''

So far the decline in business has fallen in line with his expectations, he added, but declined to give a percentage figure. He credited PennDOT and the project's general contractor, Lindy Paving of New Castle, for going the extra mile in creating a fairly smooth flow of traffic.

"They've really helped out, putting up signs on driveways for businesses and checking in with us,'' he said.

In the end, it will all work out, he predicted.

"Once this is all done we'll have a beautiful five-lane highway in front of us and everyone's business will be up higher than when it was just a two-lane road,'' Fortuna said.

As part of the strategy to boost consumer interest, eight businesses along the construction zone have combined forces on advertising to show they are open and that two-lane traffic is being maintained.

Joe D'Onofrio, co-owner of D'Onofrio Food Center, which sits along the highway, said he didn't want to say too much when asked about the construction.

"I'm just looking forward to getting it done and seeing a nice highway,'' he said.

Milan "Spike'' Stupka, owner of the Stupka Super Store auto dealership along the highway, said the construction has been an inconvenience and that business has been off a bit.

"But the construction crew out there has been great in running things. They're very helpful,'' Stupka said. "I honestly feel they're doing such a good job I couldn't expect any more out of the crew.''

Doing work such as asphalting at night has greatly reduced potential congestion on the highway, he added.

Bill Hanson, project manager for PennDOT, said frequent rains during the spring have put construction a week behind schedule.

"But that should be made up in the next two weeks easily,'' he said.

There have been very few complaints by businesses or residents along the stretch, he added. The few complaints received thus far have dealt mainly with business signs mounted on barrels that have been knocked off. When reported or noticed, they're quickly remounted, he said.

"We know they're under a lot of pressure,'' Hanson said of the businesses. "And we know this isn't easy for anybody, but we'll try to make them as comfortable as possible.''

Stationing flagmen at key points along the highway, especially at intersections, has helped traffic flow along with having an off-duty policeman man a traffic-light control box during most night work, he said.

Also, keeping in contact with businesses and home owners on what's in store next has alleviated concerns.

"We want to let them know we can supply access to their driveways at all times,'' Hanson said.

Speaking like a business owner, Hanson said PennDOT has taken all these steps with one thing in mind.

"We want to have happy customers,'' he said.

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