The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, June 25, 2002

English backs creation
of Homeland Security Dept.

U.S. Rep. Phil English, Erie, R-21st District, stopped in Mercer Monday to throw his full support behind a proposal to create a federal Homeland Security Department.

"The (President) Bush proposal is a solid blueprint for creating a single, unified homeland security department that will improve protection against domestic and international threats and be flexible enough to respond to new threats in the future," English said during a news conference at the Mercer County 911 Center.

The proposed department would combine the functions of several federal agencies and serve as a center for compiling and analyzing intelligence from the FBI and CIA, English said. It would be headed by a Cabinet official and would include four divisions: border and transportation security; emergency preparedness and response; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear countermeasures; and information analysis and infrastructure protection, he explained.

"The new department's enhanced ability to respond to the changing nature of the threat of terrorism will provide our communities with a heightened sense of safety and security," English said.

"As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Customs Service, I pledge to work with (former Pennsylvania) Gov. Tom Ridge and President Bush to make sure this new initiative is successful," English added.

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