The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, July 10, 2002


Mercer County Grange Fair continues through Saturday

Singing "Amish," a stinky sneaker contest and bingo. To those on the West Coast, it could be just another episode of "The Drew Carey Show," but to those living in western Pennsylvania, it signals fair season -- and this week it's the Mercer County Grange Fair.

"We have all kind of events for people of all ages," fair financial secretary Ruth Fulton of Greenville said Tuesday after she fixed a small leak in one of the buildings. "It wouldn't be fair season without a leaking roof," she added with a laugh.

Vesper services, music and a public ice cream social were part of the opening events Sunday for the 38th annual fair, which is held at the fairgrounds about a mile east of Mercer on Route 58 in Findley Township.

On Monday, Becky Lee Aiken, 16, of Gilkey Road, Shenango Township, was crowned Fair Queen 2002.

Also on Monday, state Secretary of Agriculture Samuel Hayes stopped by with $14,292 in matching funds for a new set of bleachers by the track and general ground improvements. He also brought a reimbursement check of about $16,000 from last year to cover a portion of premiums paid on prizes, among other things, according to Ms. Fulton.

Tuesday was capped off by a parade and a teen dance.

Still on the agenda: entertainment by Greenville musicians "Karied Away" followed by the "Earthquakers" this evening on the track area and country music with Chuck Thorpe and others in the auditorium at the same time.

Thursday's highlights include a pet parade, an auction of special baking contest entries, "Lords of the Castle" barbershop chorus in the auditorium followed by the Tamarack Lake Cloggers.

On Friday, bingo, the Mercer County Jamboree, an auction and an American Tractor Pull Association-sanctioned truck and tractor pull at the track, will keep fairgoers busy.

Closing day is a full one with a "fun" horse show, a presentation by Trapper John, a "Rockin' Chair Country" square dance, a demolition derby, fireworks and "An Afternoon on the Farm" family games.

The "fun" horse show will feature competitions in apple bobbing, egg and spoon, open keyhole, cloverleaf barrels and a catalog race, among others. The family games include cow chip toss, pie-eating and apple-peeling contests, a toad and frog jumping contest, and a stinky sneaker contest.

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