The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, July 11, 2002

State money could cut taxes or debt

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

West Middlesex school directors couldn't decide Wednesday what to do with the additional $90,240 it is getting in state subsidies.

School boards across Pennsylvania are reopening their 2002-03 budgets to account for higher subsidies included in the state's budget. School boards had to adopt their spending plans before the state budget passed.

District solicitor John C. Reed of Sharon, who said the extra cash equals about 1.5 mills in property tax revenue, told board members they can only use the money in three ways: to lower the coming year's real estate levy; restore an educational program or teacher positions that had been cut; or pay down debt.

Director Tom Hubert, the board president, said he is leaning toward lowering the 4.5-mill tax increase approved with the budget. "For six months we battled over the budget, then the state drops this money on our lap," Hubert said. "We've got a month to decide what to do with it. Why not look at giving the taxpayers a bit of a break? I've been on the board for three years and every year I've had to raise taxes."

Board members Arlene Repko and Gary Koncar made it clear that putting the money toward the district's debt of $18 million is their preference.

"If we put the money toward our indebtedness, I think over the next year or two years, we may not see a tax increase," said Koncar.

Mrs. Repko said lowering the tax levy would make little financial difference to the taxpayers in the long-run.

"Its only one or two dollars a month in this district," she said. "Then down the line, we're not going to be raising taxes for the next two years."

"I think it would be wise to wait until a later date when we know better what our options will be," said Dale Shrawder, board vice president.

After some discussion and a couple of deadlocked votes, the board adjourned the meeting with plans to take up what to do with the money until the next regular board meeting July 22.

You can contact staff writer Sherris Moreira-Byers at

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