The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, July 12, 2002


Public invited
to old-fashioned jam sessions

By Larissa Theodore

Herald Staff Writer

On the first Saturday night of every month, Jackson Grange in Jackson Center transforms into a symphonic bluegrass hall, thanks to jam sessions.

Much like old-fashioned shindigs, the Saturday night event in Jackson Center attracts musicians and music lovers who want to perform or watch.

Donald Dusch, 74, and his wife Lillian, of 203 Clark Road, Jackson Township, started having the jam sessions at the grange about a year ago. They said they got the idea from Chuck Thorpe, Jefferson Township, and Ron Knapp of Greenville, who originally began having jam nights at Trump's Garage in Greenville.

"It makes a good evening out. A lot of people come out and listen," Mrs. Dusch said.

Dusch said the event, which is sponsored by the Jackson Grange, usually has a turnout of about 80 to 100 people. He said musicians come from as far as Butler, Meadville and the Knox-Clarion areas to jam at the grange, which attracts a lineup of about 15 to 20 musicians everytime. The musicians all play together with instruments such as banjos, fiddles, mandolins and dulcimers.

The musicians don't get an opportunity to practice together before playing together, hence the name "jam sessions."

"Whoever can come is there to help make music," Dusch said.

He said musicians who aren't familiar with the songs can usually follow along.

Dusch, who plays piano and "fools around" on guitar, said he likes to leave the music making to the people with the instruments and spends his time helping them set up.

"We have a lot of people who sing and play," Mrs. Dusch said. "We're usually too busy to join in the fun."

However, Mrs. Dusch said her husband does make it a point to sing "almost everytime" at the Jackson Grange, usually a mellow bluegrass or country gospel song. His favorites are "God of the Mountain" and "Don't Laugh at Me." Mrs. Dusch said he had to overcome his bashfulness before he could confront the crowd.

"He didn't sing for awhile, but now he does," she said.

Refreshments are also an entity at the Jackson Grange. Mrs. Dusch said she keeps busy working in the kitchen serving finger foods during the performances.

"We serve coffee and people bring food and soda," she said.

The jam sessions are held at 7 p.m. every Saturday at a different location. All events are free, but donations are accepted.

   » First Saturday Jam Sessions -- 7 p.m. at the Jackson Grange on U.S. Route 62, Jackson Center.

   » Second Saturday Jam Sessions will resume in September -- 7 p.m. at Trump's Garage on Donation Road, Greenville.

   » Fourth Saturday Jam Sessions -- 7 p.m. John Hanna's Grand Old Opry at Barkeyville Park on state Route 8, Barkeyville.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Larissa Theodore at

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