The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Monday, July 15, 2002


Bottle rockets suspected in blaze

Brookfield Fire Captain Dave Coffy suspects two teens fooling around with bottle rockets caused about $100,000 damage when their missiles set off a fire Sunday that destroyed two garages, a sedan, a wooden shed and damaged two homes in the 8100 block of Lindberg Street.

Firefighters were called to the scene at 5:30 p.m. and arrived in time to see a one-car garage rented by Laura King, 34, of 8171 Lindberg Street, in flames and collapsing, Coffy said. A neighboring two-car garage, a 994 Crown Victoria inside it, and a shed, all owned by Paul Kaldy, 8165 Lindberg St., were also in flames, Coffy said. Firefighters put the fire out by 7:30 p.m., he said. No one was hurt, Coffy said.

Neighbors said that some area teen-agers had been setting off bottle rockets in the direction of the Kaldy and King homes. The fire department found two teens in the area who admitted to setting off bottle rockets but neither admitted to hitting the King garage, where the fire started, Coffy said. Bottle rocket debris was found throughout the neighborhood and in the area of the King and Kaldy properties, he said. The fire is still under investigation.

Siding on the Kaldy house was damaged and the home also sustained interior smoke damage and the King house had several windows popped out from the heat, Coffy said. He estimated about $80,000 worth of the damage to the Kaldy home and $20,000 to the Kind property.

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