The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, August 9, 2002


Borough ups cash for rec program

By Melissa S. Finley
Herald Staff Writer

Wheatland council voted Wednesday to offer funding that would allow the city of Farrell to extend the Farrell Recreation Commission's Summer Playground Program for two more weeks.

The extension came with a $650 price tag for the borough. The money will be taken from two funds: $250 from the realty transfer tax fund and $400 from remaining money in the Playground fund.

The money is earmarked for playground worker's wages, maintenance, workman's compensation, and to buy equipment and arts and craft supplies for the two weeks.

The total also includes the cost to put up a "No Pets Allowed" sign at the playground as council has received multiple complaints about dogs in playgrounds.

"Farrell has given $5,000 for the program and they (the Commission) also got $20,000 from the school (Farrell Area School District)," said Borough Mayor Tom Stanton. "What they and other people forget is that $20,000 from the schools includes covering kids from Wheatland," he said.

Council President David Cusick said Wheatland agreed to the additional amount after several requests from Farrell officials.

"Farrell (playgrounds) have been short on some cash, which is being investigated," said Council President David Cusick. "But we want to help them out and so we are paying for the two weeks and the sign," he said.

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