The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, August 13, 2002


1,100 oppose plans for gym

Residents say renovation
is too costly

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By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

Jamestown Area School Board Monday received a petition signed by 1,100 district residents who oppose the scope of an estimated $7.5 million high school renovation and building project.

The petition calls for project costs to be capped at $5 million and plans for a new gymnasium and athletic facilities to be scrapped.

The project should include only "renovation and/or addition of new classrooms, computer labs and technology center, cafeteria, kitchen and library," the petition said.

The Jamestown Concerned Taxpayers Committee circulated the petition among adults in the district's four municipalities: Jamestown and Greene Township in Mercer County and South Shenango and West Shenango townships in Crawford County.

The petitioners represent nearly a third of the adult population of the communities, according to Census figures.

The taxpayer group formed four months ago in response to a proposed series of tax hikes, continuing through the 2007-08 school year, needed to help cover costs of a project that has been in the planning stages for four years.

"It's a matter of needs versus wants. Sure, we'd love to have a new gym, but we feel the community as a whole can't afford this," said taxpayer group spokesman Doug McElhaney.

"The people who signed the petition are trying to tell the board that they are not behind this project in its current form. We are asking the board to listen and to redesign and reduce the cost and scope of this project," McElhaney said.

District Superintendent David F. Shaffer said he feels the district can't afford to scrap plans for the proposed athletic facility. The facility -- which would be behind the high school -- would include a new gym, weight room, wrestling room, locker rooms and lobbies and restrooms.

"Physical education, extracurricular activities and wellness all play an important role in education," Shaffer said.

Shaffer said the existing gym, built in 1948, is not regulation-sized and does not provide adequate space for educational and athletic programs.

Shaffer added that a new gym would shorten the school day for some students. Scheduling time for the existing gym is a constant headache, with eight sports teams and drama and music programs vying for time; the drama and music programs often get the early-bird shift, using the facility before school starts.

Shaffer said the district is trying to be receptive to the concerns of residents and, over the course of the four-year planning process, has been looking for the most cost-effective ways to address the district's needs as well.

The school board recently mailed an eight-page letter to district residents, explaining the project. "Added taxes are always difficult, but added costs often reflect our values and priorities. The board believes that we need to invest in our future and the future of our youth and community. This should be a priority," the newsletter said.

"The state will only assist with the cost (of a school renovation) every 20 years, so the district would have to pay 100 percent for any renovations that were delayed and completed before the 20-year window expired. This is why the board must consider the needs for the next 20 years," the newsletter said. The current window closes in 2003.

According to the newsletter, over the next five years renovation-related taxes for Mercer County residents are expected to increase by 5.73 mills -- on top of 2.48 mills that already have been levied for the project.

A mill is $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property. At the current rate of about 46.1 mills, a Mercer County property assessed at $10,855 carries a tax bill of $500.

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