The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, August 13, 2002


Drop off donations when center is open, director asks

By Melissa S. Finley
Herald Staff Writer

Goods donated to Prince of Peace Center can help others most effectively when they are dropped off during business hours, said Sister Clare Marie Beichner, director of the center in Farrell.

"The donations are greatly valued," she said. "But, when dropped off at the center when no one is able to accept them, they can be damaged by weather or rummaged through by others."

Donations of clothing, household items, furniture, and appliances are accepted. However, Sister Clare Marie also said volunteers who sort the items appreciate it when clothes are clean and folded, stored in bags or boxes and, in the case of appliances, that they are in working order.

"Donations of any sort are so greatly appreciated and the donations are best utilized for the people who need them most when they are in a useable condition," she said.

The center's thrift store is open to all of those in need, whether the situation be temporary or long-term.

"Most of our customers to the thrift store are working with a limited income," Sister Clare Marie said. "This is a great place for them to be able to provide for their children and themselves and still pick and choose items to fit their styles."

Over 70 percent of the items are given away free while others are sold to uphold the dignity of those in need.

"People feel good when they can pay for some items," she said. "It promotes a feeling of providing and keeps their self respect," she said.

Sister Clare Marie noted that the hours of the center are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

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