The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, August 30, 2002

Police will

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

The new federal Department of Homeland Security will be paying for Hermitage police to patrol Shenango Dam near Mahaney Recreation Area.

"Any damage or destruction of the flood-control structure could result in loss of life, injury and economic loss," said Paul F. Toman, outdoor recreation planner with the Army Corps of Engineers in Pittsburgh. "The reservoirs also have a purpose as far as water quality and water supply."

The Department of Homeland Security, which was created in response to the Sept. 11 attacks, will fund up to $19,116 through the end of the year, Tomon said. He is the liaison for all of the dams and local police departments in his district and coordinates homeland security law-enforcement services at U.S. Army Corps of Engineer dams.

Hermitage commissioners Wednesday approved an agreement with the Corps of Engineers for city police to provide the extra patrols.

The agreement is on its way to Pittsburgh for final approval, Toman said.

Police will undergo orientation next week to learn about the dam and its surroundings.

"They will learn about how things should appear, what areas are restricted, what authority the park rangers have and get familiar with the project, the buildings and the dam itself," Toman said.

Neither Toman nor Hermitage police would reveal the hours for the patrols, citing security reasons, but Toman said they would work similar hours as the rangers and when rangers are not on duty.

"We've had agreements with these law enforcement agencies for a long time for extra patrols during high peak season at recreation areas for the purpose of public safety," Toman said, referring to summer patrols. "But this agreement is for homeland security."

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