The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, September 10, 2002


Zoning goof was mine, Paroz admits

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

A Brookfield clerk on Monday owned up to a mistake that kept zoning off the Nov. 5 ballot in the township.

Clerk Roger Paroz, who was not present at the Brookfield trustee meeting Monday, apologized in an open letter to members and the community about his failure to get zoning on the ballot.

Paroz explained that he didn't realize the 75-day deadline was so close when trustees passed a resolution Aug. 15 to place the zoning issue on the ballot.

"The fault lies with me," Paroz wrote. "Not with the township trustees, board of elections, Trumbull County prosecutor or any member of either the pro-zoning or anti-zoning committees."

Brookfield Trustee Chairman Phil Schmidt said he doesn't blame Paroz.

"It was an honest mistake and I accept that," he said. "It's just unfortunate that it happened, but it's just one of those things,"

Paroz said on Aug. 19 he had the meeting minutes typed up, placed in an envelope and ready to take to the Trumbull County prosecutor in Warren -- a process necessary for the resolution. But he didn't make it to Warren until Aug. 23.

In order for the resolution to make deadline, it had to reach the county prosecutor three or four days beforehand. It is then prepared for the board of elections and the ballot before it is ready for the township office. Three copies are picked up for the board of elections, which reviews, signs and keeps a copy. The other two are delivered back to the prosecutor and to Brookfield files.

Paroz said "having a farm, I am simply not as directly affected by the zoning issue as some of you...However, I am so strong on the right of the majority and the freedom to vote and I really feel bad about there not being a vote on the issue. My apologies."

Township trustees missed the deadline to file necessary paperwork to get the issue on the Nov. 5 ballot. The Ohio Revised State Code states that issues and candidates must be registered with the county board of elections 75 days before the election, which was 4 p.m. Aug. 22.

Residents weren't blaming Paroz either.

"I think he made an honest mistake," said business owner Anthony Delgros.

Scmidt said the zoning issue will be discussed in the future.

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