The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Residents question board members' delinquent taxes

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Sue Rado didn't name names.

But, three months after Farrell Area School Board raised taxes by 4 mills, a member of the board has not paid his or her property taxes, the Farrell woman said.

She asked Monday that the board member refrain from voting on future tax issues.

"If they can't pay 'em, they shouldn't vote to raise them," she said.

Although Mrs. Rado only referred to "someone" as not paying taxes, two school board members, Lester Robinson Jr. and Jerome Flint, and a city council member, Jeanette Wright-Hooks, were on a list of owners of properties set for upset tax sale published in The Herald Aug. 20.

Michael P. DeForest, Mercer County revenue director, said the process of upset tax sale begins when taxes are unpaid for the third year.

Property owners on the list have the opportunity to stop the sale, which is set for 1 p.m. Sept. 25 in the third-floor jury lounge at the courthouse in Mercer, by paying up or making a payment plan with the county, he said.

Ms. Wright-Hooks, 640 Hamilton Ave., paid the $1,267 in taxes, penalties, interest and costs on Aug. 28, and either Flint or his wife, Carol, agreed Sept. 6 to a payment plan on the 2000 taxes, DeForest said. Taxes for 2001 and this year still are outstanding, he said.

In total, the Flints, of 1052 Hamilton Ave., Farrell, owe $1,510.

Flint did not attend the meeting and could not be reached for comment. Robinson and his wife, Margaret, of 411 Emerson Ave., Farrell, owe $2,997.

Robinson said he's not going to risk losing his house, and deflected Mrs. Rado's criticism as sour grapes for the board not hiring her son when he applied for a job. After the meeting, Robinson said, "You're doggone right I am" when asked if he was going to pay his taxes.

Mrs. Rado's husband, Samuel, asked rhetorically, "How many schools will there be if more people stop paying their taxes?"

"You idiot," Robinson said to Rado.

Both called the other "stupid."

Board President Michael Wright told the Rados, "Your point is well taken," but said each side owed the other an apology.

Wright said it was wrong for the Rados to make an "insinuation" without naming names, and said they should have approached Robinson privately instead of addressing the board.

Mrs. Rado said Robinson has been the talk of Farrell and she was only passing on the thoughts of many others in town.

John Brown of Farrell said Wright should apologize to the Rados for Robinson's outburst, but Wright said he could not speak for Robinson.

Brown, who said the board is financially wasteful and acts without public comment, said Robinson's behavior shows why people do not attend school board meetings.

"There is a gap between you and the community," Brown said.

Wright said the more people who attend meetings and express their opinions, the easier it is for the board to make a decision.

"I think it's nice of you to say people should come up here because I came up here and had my character assassinated," Rado said.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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