The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, September 19, 2002

COG seeks grant to build skate park

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

If a state grant comes through in the spring, local skateboarders and trick bicyclists could be doing their "bunny hops" and "ollies" in a new, $60,000 skate park in West Middlesex a year from now.

"Anything to get them off of the business parking lots and sidewalks," said Melissa Koch, Mercer County Regional Council of Governments Regional Recreation Specialist.

COG on Wednesday approved applying for an approximately $40,000 grant from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Ms. Koch said the remaining $20,000 will come in "in-kind" services from local governments.

COG could hear from DCNR as early as March and, if the grant is approved, construction could start next summer and finish up by fall, she said.

Concerns about liability were put to rest by both Ms. Koch and West Middlesex Mayor David George. George said he was told by the borough's solicitor that as long as they carry $10,000 to $15,000 worth of blanket-policy accident insurance on the park, they shouldn't run into any problems.

The proposed park would be built in a recreation area on Walnut Street that includes Lackawannock-Shenango-West Middlesex Community Pool, a playground and a picnic shelter. The recreation area is covered by a $15,000 policy, George said.

Ms. Koch said placing signs that state skate park participants are required to wear helmets, knee and elbow pads and other safety items puts the liability back on underage skaters' parents.

"We don't provide the equipment. Parents bought the equipment. Parents take responsibility for it," George said.

Those not wearing proper safety equipment will be forced to leave the skate park, Ms. Koch said. The park will be monitored by COG and West Middlesex street department workers and Southwest Mercer County Regional police, she said.

The park for skateboarders, in-line skaters, scooter riders, and BMX bicyclists is expected to be about 5,000 to 7,000 square feet.

According to a project description, the park will include equipment such as grind rails, 5-foot and 3-foot quarter pipes, 5-foot and 3-foot ramps, and a 3-foot spine.

Ms. Koch said the equipment could be moveable, so that the park's configuration can be changed throughout the year.

West Middlesex borough council approved the park plans Monday.

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