The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 25, 2002


Committee finds
policy was enforced

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By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A West Middlesex Area School District's policy was followed in the case of a parent who is not allowed to be a volunteer high school football coach this year, the school board president said.

The school board Monday accepted a personnel committee report of its investigation into the case of Doug Fette, who was told in August he would not be allowed to be a volunteer football coach. Fette and his wife, Robin, claimed the action was retaliation for Mrs. Fette speaking out against the district's hiring policy for teachers.

The personnel committee, composed of board President Thomas Hubert, board Vice President Dale Shrawder and directors Connie David and Warden Burger, who is also the athletic committee chairman, investigated the "circumstances involving accusations of retaliation."

According to a statement written by Hubert about the investigation:

The committee interviewed administrators, coaches and Fette.

Fette, who did not coach in 2001, also did not apply for a position in 2002, as is district policy.

The 2002 coaching staff was recommended to the board and approved on June 24. The list of new and returning coaches did not include Fette.

The board approved the coaching list three weeks before it filled vacant teaching positions.

Fette, who attended two or three practices, was "hanging out" and "not acting in a coaching capacity."

District policy states only approved individuals are allowed to be on the field during practice. Athletic Director Bob Morris asked head coach Rick Resatar to make Fette aware of the policy.

"There are no indications of superintendent involvement based on the interviews of the staff," the report said, in response to a claim Fette made at an August board meeting. Fette said Resatar was told by Morris that "under no circumstances" was Fette allowed to coach, and that the order had come from Superintendent Al Jones.

Hubert said he made Fette aware of the committee report prior to Monday's board meeting, which the Fettes did not attend.

The main complaint was about retaliation, and no one came forward saying Jones told them not to allow Fette to coach, Hubert said. He said the investigation was to "clear up some things people were wondering about."

He reiterated that district policy was followed, and it's the administration's job to ensure that policies are followed.

Directors accepted the report 6 to 1, with Walter Gelesky casting the only no vote. Directors Gary Koncar and Dale Shrawder were absent.

In July, Mrs. Fette claimed that the district wasn't hiring the best teachers. She said she applied for a job and was not given an opportunity to present a lesson to the board, as some other applicants had been selected to do.

She also told directors she was worried about retaliation against her children because of her complaint. Later, she said it was her husband who saw retribution.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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