The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Longtime club director retiring

Buhl Club post was
her 'passion'

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By Amanda Smith-Teutsch
Herald Staff Writer

There is no clock in Carolyn Williams' office. She doesn't need to keep track of how long she's been at work or when she's going home.

"I have just always done what needs to be done," the program director of the Buhl Club said. "For some people, what they do is a job. For me, it is a passion."

Mrs. Williams, who has been involved with the Buhl Club in one way or another for 45 years, is retiring in November for health reasons.

She began her work in 1957 as a volunteer at the former Julia Buhl Girls Club, overseeing the library on Saturdays to work off the cost for her membership. Today, she is the administrative assistant and program director and oversees "everything."

She decides what classes and programs will be offered, what time they will be held, who will teach them and where they will meet. She designs the programs and schedules, and interviewed and approved each of the more than 200 volunteers who help keep the Buhl Club running.

"She's definitely left her mark and will always be remembered," said Jeffrey Valentino, executive director of the club who has worked with Mrs. Williams since 1997.

"On my first day, she gave me a piece of advice, even though I was her boss," Valentino said. "She told me that I should always make all my decisions based on what would be best for the Buhl Club and that would always be right."

It's a piece of advice, he said, he still follows today.

While working for the club, Mrs. Williams has started several programs. Most importantly, she believes, was the Community Involvement Program in 1980.

"It is unlike most volunteer programs, because the volunteers can get something (for their time)," she said.

The volunteers, she explained, can have a membership if they work a specific number of hours per week, but many don't take the membership.

At the beginning, there were 80 people in the program. Today, there are more than 200 involved with almost every aspect of the club, including gymnastics classes, attending the desks and working in the games room or in the pool.

"The club would have a hard time running without them and many of the volunteers are people who came to the club when they were young," she said. "For them, it's an opportunity to give something back."

Mrs. Williams will retire in November because she has post-polio syndrome. She's lived most of her life with polio, but refused to be held back by her handicap. While a member at the Julia Buhl Girls' Club, she said she took part in all the activities there, including basketball and dance.

"I wanted people to focus on what I did, not that I had a handicap," she said.

She is now retiring on her doctors' advice and says she doesn't have the "steam" to work as hard as she once did.

"I'm going to have to learn how to have fun," Mrs. Williams said. "My entire life has been my family and the Buhl Club. For me, being here was my fun."

Mrs. Williams attended Youngstown State University and Slippery Rock University. She taught mentally handicapped children and taught in the Hermitage school district. She married her husband, Ed Williams, in 1969 and together they have three children. She was honored with a retirement party Tuesday night.

Mrs. Williams said she is thrilled with the woman chosen to replace her, Kathy Janusko. Ms. Janusko has been a teacher at the Buhl Club for 13 years and Mrs. Williams is confident the club will be in good hands.

Valentino said Ms. Janusko would "add her own spice to the mix," but would carry on with the values Mrs. Williams instilled -- being true to the Buhl Club.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Amanda Smith-Teutsch at

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