The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 25, 2002

3rd annual 'Appreciation Day' set for safety forces

The Rev. Inez Ellis of wants the seed that she has planted in Youngstown to grow into a national celebration that honors safety forces.

Mrs. Ellis, Youngstown, started Youngstown's annual Thank You Appreciation Day for the area's safety forces, and she'd like to see such an event in communities throughout the United States.

The third annual event is scheduled for 9 a.m to 6 p.m. Oct. 5 at the Youngstown Playhouse off of Glenwood Avenue. Admission is free but donations of food, beverages, plastic ware and paper products are encouraged.

"I'm not looking for money," Mrs Ellis said. "I'm outreach ministry. I'm not looking for members or anything like that. I'd like people to stop by and

honor our safety forces, which we need so badly. Let's say thank you to them, because we're going to need them."

Mrs. Ellis said that while the celebration is aimed at Mahoning County area safety forces, anyone is welcome, and that she'd like the idea to spread to all communities.

"We need to show our gratitude to our safety forces for their constant coruage, bravery and dedication. The watchmen for the safety of our children, our parents, our homes, our businesses and our properties at risk, of their own lives," she added.

The day is designed for safety forces such as sheriff's departments, police and fire departments and state police.

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