The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, October 3, 2002

Man accused of throwing
eggs, fighting with police

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A Sharon man was arrested after repeatedly harassing a woman, fighting with police and grabbing an officer's groin, police said.

David A. Kushay, 48, of 325 Columbia St., Apartment 112, was arrested at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at home on charges of aggravated harassment by a prisoner, resisting arrest, harassment by communication, criminal mischief, harassment and disorderly conduct, police said.

Police gave the following account of the incident:

At 5:20 p.m. Kushay called a woman in his building, argued with her and then kept calling her. He became angry when she refused to answer the phone. Kushay went to her apartment with a carton of eggs, began arguing with her again and started throwing the eggs around her apartment. One of the eggs hit the woman in the head.

Kushay left and the woman called 911. Police went to Kushay's apartment to serve him citations and he was told not to have any more contact with the woman or he would be arrested.

At 7:15 p.m. a neighbor called to say Kushay was being loud, and once again police went to his apartment and told him to quiet down.

Then Kushay began calling the woman he threw the eggs at and other residents of his apartment building.

When police tried to arrest Kushay he fought with them, yelled obscenities and once inside the elevator he spit on a patrolman.

While police were booking Kushay at Shenango Valley Lockup, he once again fought with police and grabbed an officer by the groin.

Kushay was arraigned before District Justice James E. McMahon, Sharon, and was released on $5,000 unsecured bond with the condition he have no contact with the victim, a clerk at McMahon's said. His preliminary hearing is set for 9:45 a.m. Oct. 15.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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