The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, October 4, 2002

violence case
to court

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

A Brookfield man accused of trying to run over his estranged wife and her boyfriend with his truck waived his right to a preliminary hearing Thursday in Trumbull County Eastern District Court, Brookfield, and had his bond reduced.

Eugene K. Peters, 43, and his attorney Curt Bogen of Niles, told Judge Ronald J. Rice they were willing to wait for a hearing in Trumbull County Court of Common Pleas.

Peters pleaded not guilty at his arraignment last week to felony charges of domestic violence and attempted felonious assault and to misdemeanor charges of assault and criminal damaging.

Police said Peters violated a restraining order to keep away from his wife Mary M. Peters, 32, of 626 N. Stateline Road. on Sept. 22. She told police Peters came from out of the garage at the home, hit her and started a fight with her boyfriend, who was with her. Peters also tried to run the couple down with his truck and broke the windows in their vehicles with a shovel, police said.

While fighting with the boyfriend, police said, Peters was knocked down and hit his head on the steps. He drove away in his truck and, police said, they later answered an emergency call about a man who needed medical attention on King Graves Road. The man turned out to be Peters, who was treated at Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren, for a 3-inch gash on the back of his head and was then taken to Trumbull County Jail, police said.

Bogen also asked Rice reduce a previous bond set at $70,000. Rice asked Mrs. Peters if she had any problems with reducing the bond. She said no.

Rice reset Peters' bond at $5,000 with conditions he have no contact with his estranged wife and that he wear an electronic ankle bracelet to monitor him while he remains under house arrest.

"When I see you, I see someone who doesn't have much respect for authority," Rice told Peters. "The only reason I'm going with your lawyer's request is because the victim has no problem with it. But if we get one call from the victim ... saying you've had direct or indirect contact, we'll revoke your bond and you'll go back to jail."

Rice added that he was "skeptical" about whether Peters would be able to do that, since he was already on a no-contact order for earlier domestic violence when the latest episode happened.

Mrs. Peters was arrested Aug. 14 after a separate domestic incident. Police said she went to the residence to retrieve her belongings and the couple fought. She was found to be the aggressor and arrested, police said.

Peters filed for divorce Aug. 19.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Larissa Theodore at

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