The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, October 4, 2002

Borough manager's job description found

The hiring procedures and job description for Greenville's borough manager are officially clear.

A council member recently ran across a 1977 ordinance, which outlines specific job descriptions and hiring procedures for the borough manager, council learned at its agenda meeting Thursday night.

Ordinance 829, which states the borough manager is to be hired on two- year intervals, was first passed in 1963 and revised in 1977. In the recent past, council has reappointed the borough manager annually.

"We thought the term was up at the end of each year, but speculated there was an ordinance," council Vice President Bryan D. Langietti said, adding council had been trying to figure out if the manager's duties and term had ever been put in writing.

Council President Richard Houpt said though council has not followed particulars from the ordinance, members did draw up a job description that Borough Manager Kenneth S. Weaver has followed since he took the job in January.

"We'll have a chance to review the ordinance this weekend" before Tuesday night's council meeting, Langietti said.

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