The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Trustees hope to put brakes on noise

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

In response to residents' complaints and a petition, Brookfield trustees Monday banned engine brake noise along state Route 82.

Residents who live along the highway, particularly those near Brookfield Estates, have complained time and again about loud noise coming from the highway.

But it's engine brake noise from large trucks in particular that has residents in a fuss. Engine brakes are used extensively on heavy-duty trucks with diesel engines and produce a distinctive staccato sound when operating.

Twenty-eight residents signed a petition pleading with the trustees to put the brakes on the noise.

Trustee Janalyn K. Saloom said she received the petition Monday. It was signed by residents mainly from the north and south side of Stateline Road. She said residents wanted to present it as soon as possible and so did not gather as many signatures as they could have.

Trustees opted to place a sign between state Route 7 and Addison Road intended for both east and westbound trucks.

Mrs. Saloom worried that truckers might get angry when they see the signs and deliberately make louder noises.

Trustee Chairman Phil Schmidt said, "The only comment I have is, if you buy a house there, you know you're going to have highway noises."

Robert Maskrey of 1175 state Route 7 agreed. He said he drove trucks for more than 20 years and can't fathom any reason for a ban.

"I live about 75 feet from the road. Things like that don't bother me. After awhile you learn to live with it."

He added, "There's a reason you use an engine brake. The engine does the slowing down and you're not heating up the brakes. When the brakes heat up they don't stop. I know there's safety involved there."

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Larissa Theodore at

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