The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, October 18, 2002

2 women
tried to scam
police say

Two black women in their 30s tried to scam a 66-year-old Hermitage woman last week in what Hermitage police called a classic "pigeon-drop" scheme.

The intended victim told police Thursday that the two well-dressed women approached her in a store and claimed they had found a package of money. They asked her to put up some money to cover legal fees and then they would split the money with her, police said. When the woman asked them about inconsistencies in their stories and asked what kind of scam they were trying, the two left in different directions, police said.

One suspect was wearing a black suit with her hair pulled up in a bun, and the other was wearing a knee-length tan sweater coat, large floppy hat, glasses with large lenses and maybe a wig, police said.

Police warn residents to be alert to the scam and to report suspicious activity to them at (724) 983-6780.

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