The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Hickory High shows off
its new look tonight

renovation took 3 years

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By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

The doors will be wide open tonight at Hickory High School as the public is invited to the $23 million building renovation. The dedication will begin at 7 in the revamped state-of-the-art auditorium.

"I've been through the system as a student and as a performer, and to finally see a facility that works well with the quality and enthusiasm of our music and theater program is really exciting," said musical liaison Steve Garay, who is also the school band director. Garay graduated from Hickory High School in 1981, and began working for the district in 1987.

The project began in August 1999, according to district business manager Eugene Fornadel. Besides separate art, choir, orchestra and band rooms to accommodate at least 170 musicians, improvements to the gymnasium, cafeteria and classrooms are designed to enhance students' learning opportunities.

That will be good news to Hermitage residents, who covered the cost of the renovations and additions with an additional 8.5 mills of taxes between 1997 and 2000. Fornadel said the average taxpayer with a home assessed at $11,000 saw his taxes rise about $80 over those four years. Taxes remained the same in 2001, and the 3.5-mill increase for this year was not related to the renovation cost.

According to Superintendent Karen Ionta, who took charge of the renovation in March 2001 when she took the district's helm from Dr. C. Louis Mastrian, the district hopes to see the improvements and changes benefit the community as well as the students and staff.

A state-of-the-art wellness center and an auditorium that seats more than 1,000 people are eventually planned to be open to the public. Mrs. Ionta hopes to see a program similar to the Westminster College Celebrity Series in the new auditorium, which also has a brand new sound and lighting system.

"The former one was completely demolished," said Mrs. Ionta. "I think we can bring some wonderful culture to the area with this."

Other improvements and additions to the building include an expanded gymnasium and an auxiliary gym that has a specially cushioned wooden floor for wrestling, gymnastics and dance; a new administrative and commons area with the old administrative offices renovated for the guidance employees; an elevator; a brand-new library/cyber facility; and modern technical education rooms with the latest in computer technology, including a wind tunnel and robotics.

A plus for Hickory Hornets sports fans is a renovated stadium, which the district was able to pay for from the interest the district got from part of the borrowed $23 million, prior to paying the contractor, Fornadel said.

Visitors to tonight's dedication can expect musical performances by selected high school musicians, chamber singers and the concert band, said Garay, adding that refreshments and tours will be offered after the ceremony.

"It's very rewarding to me because I was able to be a part of the planning, construction and completion. And now to be able to work in that facility, it's amazing," Garay said.

You can contact Herald Staff Writer Sherris Moreira-Byers at

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