The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, October 25, 2002

Pranksters demand ransom for kidnapped tiger mascot

By Erin Palko
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon High School Band Boosters' tiger has been kidnapped, and whoever took it is asking a hefty ransom for its return.

The tiger is one of two plywood cutouts of the school's mascot built by a former band student that are making the rounds of the city as a fund-raiser.

Band boosters and others pay to have the tiger in their yard, and the proceeds go toward the band, said Band Director Melissa Kashak.

Someone stole the tiger, which is between 5 and 6 feet tall, from a Case Avenue yard Saturday night -- the night of Sharon's homecoming. A ransom note, along with one of the tiger's paws, was left in its place.

"We got a nice little ransom note," Ms. Kashak said. "It said, 'If you want the tiger, give us $850,000.' " The note, Police Chief Thomas Burke said, was signed "Jehovah."

The note was made of cut-out letters pasted on cardboard. The tiger's ripped-off paw was left with the note.

Sharon police now have the ransom note, Ms. Kashak said. She said she doesn't know of any suspects but she thinks it's "Probably some kids messing around."

"It's all cute and funny, but it's part of our fund-raiser and we'd like it back, because we do use it for other things," she said.

Ms. Kashak said people seem to love the tiger, and the band boosters get a lot of requests from people who want it in their yards.

Burke said he thought the kidnapping was probably "a juvenile prank."

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