The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, November 5, 2002

Council decides to stick
with consolidation study

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

While there were no predictions that Wheatland will ultimately agree to give up its borders, council members have decided to stick with the Shenango Valley Intergovernmental Study Committee.

No official vote or straw poll was taken Monday, but no one spoke against the borough's continued participation.

"It doesn't look like there are any concrete decisions to be made here tonight," said Council President David Cusick. "I don't think there's much enthusiasm for the study, but it doesn't cost us to stay in."

Wheatland, Farrell, Sharon, Hermitage and Sharpsville are studying whether to merge or consolidate services.

Wheatland Mayor Tom Stanton, one of the borough's representatives on the committee, called for Monday's town meeting to discuss whether the borough should pull out.

Councilwoman Lorraine Jones said residents have told her they fear that the borough will be forced into something because of its participation in the study.

Stanton said Monday he wants the borough to do the forcing by proposing that council ask the committee to put a referendum on the November 2003 ballot, which would give the committee a year to finish its work.

Representatives of the five communities have been meeting for three years, and Stanton said that's too long.

"I don't think they're coming to a conclusion."

Citizen representative Joann Jofery agreed that the study has gone on too long, and checked off a laundry list of shortcomings with the committee process, from its refusal to discuss school districts to the proposed structure of a consolidated government, which would rob Wheatland of guaranteed representation and leave the borough "a historical footnote."

But she does not believe Wheatland should pull out of the study.

"We have everything to gain and nothing to lose," she said. "I think we take it to the end, use what we can use and take from it what's salvageable."

Citizen representative Tom Lewis also asked council to stick with the study.

"You will get the total picture," he said. "You will have that and go on from there."

Ms. Jofery argued against trying to pressure the committee to move quickly. She said such a move would not be meaningful because council can create no consequences for violating its edict, and would appear arbitrary.

"It would make Wheatland look like the root of all evil," she said.

Cusick said he thinks people are losing interest in the study. Lewis said he believes a resolution will come soon.

"The pressure is on and they know it," Lewis said.

Council is expected to discuss replacing Stanton and finding a new citizen representative at Wednesday's meeting to bring the borough's complement up to its full five.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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