The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Monday, November 18, 2002

PennDOT urges safe winter driving

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

With winter weather upon us, PennDOT officials are encouraging motorists to use caution and be sensible when navigating snowy and ice-covered roads.

The first thing motorists should do is to turn on their headlights, said Deborah Schreckengost, PennDOT community relations coordinator. She said it is getting dark earlier in the day, and visibility is diminished by precipitation.

Drivers should stay 40 to 50 feet behind a snow plow, Ms. Schreckengost said. A good rule of thumb is if you can't see the plow operator in the side mirror, he or she can't see you.

"We really urge people not to pass the plow," Ms. Schreckengost said. One reason is that the plow driver can't see the passing motorist. The other is that the material being dispensed will hit the passing vehicle.

PennDOT will use a technique called anti-icing in which a liquid agent, mostly brine, will be put on the roads before snow hits, Ms. Schreckengost said. The liquid prevents the ice from bonding to the road and gives PennDOT crews more time to complete snow removal.

The brine can also be used to pre-wet the salt before it hits the road and gives ice and snow a lower melting point.

"It's just another way that we use technology to be able to fight winter better," Ms. Schreckengost said.

PennDOT officials also encourage drivers to leave extra time for commutes, reduce speed, maintain a safe distance between vehicles and watch for shady areas, elevated roadways and bridges that freeze before the normal road surfaces do.

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