The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, November 21, 2002

Upgrades planned on girls softball field

By Sherris Moreira-Byers

Herald Staff Writer

The Hickory high school girls softball team, which made the playoffs last season, can look forward to a playing field that matches their talent. In fact, other girls softball leagues in the city will have an improved field to call home.

Hermitage School District and the city of Hermitage are collaborating to provide about $52,000 in repairs and improvements to the school's girls softball field.

They hope to see it ready in time for softball season in the spring. The city will be managing the project.

"The project is in the design phase right now," said Gary Hinkson, city manager. "It will be going out to bid next month. We'll begin work as soon as we award contracts."

The improvements the girls field will get include the installation of two dugouts, a new backstop, new perimeter fencing, and improvements to the field.

"That includes grading and changing the type of infield soil so that the field will drain better and have a better playing surface," Hinkson said.

Hermitage School Superintendent Karen Ionta and Hinkson began working on the project this summer, though plans had been in the works to improve the field long before that, according to Mrs. Ionta.

"You can just take one project at a time and work with it that way," said the second-year superintendent. "After the (high school) renovation project, we just have been taking the projects one at a time."

Parents of girls playing in local softball leagues asked the city last summer to address the need for a decent girls playing field in the city.

"We are basically responding to a need in the community and partnering with the school district to help meet that need," said Hinkson, noting the city does not own or lease the property where the field is located.

"We (wanted) to do another cooperative effort with the city so that not only the students benefit but the city benefits," Mrs. Ionta said. "We knew the softball field was in need of repair, and to really do it right, it was going to cost some money."

She added that the field itself was good, but the surroundings needed addressed.

The city and the school are each pitching in $26,000. The school's money is coming from its capital reserve; $20,000 of the city's money is coming from a Department of Community and Economic Development grant and $6,000 from their general fund.

"Since it will be available to the community following the high school girls softball season, we felt a partnership would be the best way to deal with this," said Hinkson.

The field will be used by the Hermitage Parks and Recreation Department's fall girls softball program.

You can email Sherris
Moreira-Byers at

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