The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, November 21, 2002

Teen to deliver anti-tobacco message

A Farrell teen-ager leaves for California today to join other young adults from around the country in letting people in the tobacco industry know they're BUSTED!

Chardenee Johnson, a senior at Farrell High School, became part of the statewide youth anti-tobacco movement "BUSTED!" through her involvement with the Mercer County 4-H Club called S.Q.U.A.D.S. The letters stand for Study, Question, Understand, Action, Debrief, Success.

After participating in a state "BUSTED!" rally in April with several other local teen-agers, Chardenee was chosen as one of two students from the Northeast to attend a national rally in San Francisco.

"I'm just really proud," said Lynda Moss-McDougall, the 4-H youth program advisor. "You plant the seed and nurture it, and you see the kids just step out and run with it."

The 4-H program has expanded from a small group of kids doing local projects to participating in activities on first a state level and now a national level, Ms. Moss-McDougall said. The kids are learning skills they can use for the rest of their lives, she said.

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