The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, December 13, 2002

English thinks Lott should repair harm

Calling Sen. Trent Lott's statements from last week "outrageous and reprehensible,'' U.S. Rep. Phil English said his fellow Republican must clearly and more strongly denounce racial discrimination.

But English didn't call for the Senate's top Republican to resign his leadership post and deferred to Senate Republicans on any decisions to punish Lott.

The 21st-District Erie congressman was asked about his views on Lott by reporters during his swing through Sharon on Thursday to unveil his plans to extend unemployment benefits.

The Mississippi senator's attempts to apologize for statements made at retiring Sen. Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party last week hasn't been good enough, English said.

"I'm not satisfied with his perfunctory apology,'' English said. "I think Mr. Lott really needs to come clean on these issues.''

He added that minorities rightly remember the 1940's as a time when American justice wasn't fair to all. Thurmond ran for president in 1948 on a segregation platform.

But English also noted that other politicians in the past have uttered regrettable statements on racial issues and have been able to salvage their careers. He specifically pointed to Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd from West Virginia. As a younger man, Byrd was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He later renounced the group and its views.

English indicated Lott still has the ability to repair the harm.

"At least he's made moves to rectify the damage,'' he said.

Still, Lott must act, and quickly, English said.

"It's his move,'' he added.

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