The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, December 18, 2002

W. Salem man charged in club robbery

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

A West Salem Township man who is accused of robbing an employee and patron of the Greenville Elks Club Monday night was being held in the Mercer County Jail Tuesday afternoon after failing to post $200,000 bond, said a spokesman for District Justice William Fagley.

Donald Slater, 21, of 234 N. Maysville Road, is charged with multiple counts of robbery, unlawful restraint, making terroristic threats, reckless endangerment, theft, receiving stolen property and simple assault, said Greenville-West Salem Township police.

Police said Slater held up a man in the club parking lot, then went inside the building and held up a female employee.

According to club manager Margie Calvin, the woman who was robbed runs the bingo games. When she told the robber that the money was locked up downstairs, the man went downstairs, held up the bartender, then ran from the building, Ms. Calvin said. She did disclose how much was stole, but said it wasn't a lot.

Police, who said they arrived seconds after the robber left, chased him for several blocks before catching him. They said they retrieved the gun, stolen money and other evidence.

Slater was arraigned before Fagley Tuesday morning.

"We're just picking up the pieces," said Ms. Calvin, who added that the club had never before been robbed at gunpoint. "Most businesses like this usually get robbed after hours, when they're closed. It's not really something you can prepare for."

Ms. Calvin said the employees were shaken after the holdup but were doing better Tuesday. "Nobody knew that it was just a BB gun. When it's stuck in your face like that, you get pretty scared," she said.

Ms. Calvin said she felt especially bad for an Oklahoma woman, who was one of about a dozen patrons in the lounge area. The woman had been visiting a very ill relative. "She just came down here to have a drink and unwind."

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