The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, December 19, 2002

Taxpayer task force to share
findings about school deficit

The Reynolds Area School District Taxpayer Task Force will hold a public presentation from 2 to 4 p.m. Jan. 25 at Reynolds Junior-Senior High School to share information gathered during the last several months.

Residents Frank O'Malia and Condit North formed the task force in September to research and explain to residents what led to the district's $2 million deficit earlier this year. At the time, O'Malia said there was a "clear lack of understanding among the taxpayers of the underlying reasons for the large deficit."

O'Malia said at Wednesday's school board meeting the task force has completed its analysis of the district's finances and is ready to present it to the public.

"We feel we met our original goal," O'Malia said, explaining the task force expected to complete its research in three to six months.

The task force examined the district's budgets, annual financial reports, audit reports, loans, budgetary reserve and pupil enrollment from the last seven to 10 years.

O'Malia said he hopes for a good turnout at the presentation.

The district encompasses Pymatuning, Delaware and West Salem townships and the borough of Fredonia.

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