The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, December 21, 2002

About a dozen people apply
for development position

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

The city of Farrell received about a dozen applications from people interested in the position of economic and community development director.

Friday was the deadline for applications.

"It appears there are some very good candidates," said City Manager LaVon Saternow.

She said she will meet with Dennis Puko, executive director of Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, and Tom Tulip, Mercer County director of the Pennsylvania Economy League, to discuss the applications and set up interviews, but probably not until after Jan. 1.

The position will be shared with the planning commission, and PEL is the city's economic recovery coordinator.

"We need this person on board because we have so many things that we need to proceed with," Mrs. Saternow said.

Among the duties the city would like the director to handle are the $1 million urban renewal project -- which involves expanding the Hillside Industrial Park and readying property on Idaho Street and Broadway for development -- administering the annual Community Development Block Grant, handling business loans and deteriorated property redevelopment and getting the city back into the housing rehabilitation business.

For the planning commission, the director would likely administer CDBGs and perform other tasks.

The director also would work with the planning commission and Shenango Valley Industrial Development Corp. to create a program of economic development initiatives in Farrell.

The position is initially funded with a state grant, but the $82,830 three-year grant will drop in value each year, requiring the city to pay for more of the cost of the position.

The city has not had a director since July 1997.

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