The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, December 21, 2002

Pastor, son to present an original play

West Middlesex Presbyterian Church, 3082 Main St., will host a Christmas Eve worship service at 7 p.m. Tuesday centering on the drama, "A Shepherd's Reflections."

"A Shepherd's Reflections" was written by the Rev. James P. Leuenberger, pastor of the church.

The main characters -- played by Rev. Leuenberger and his 12-year-old son, Sam -- are one of the Bethlehem shepherds involved in the events surrounding Jesus' birth and the shepherd's grandson.

As they are sitting around a campfire about 35 years after that life-changing evening, the shepherd shares with his grandson the various feelings he had the night of Jesus' birth.

Rev. Leuenberger said he wrote the play to help contemporary people see the Christmas story and its meaning for their lives in a fresh way.

"There are a whole lot of things that go on inside us when God breaks into our lives," he said. "Encountering God can leave us feeling fear, surprise, joy and wonder -- the same emotions we see in the Bethlehem shepherds.

"I think being honest in depicting all these feelings can help modern people take on the same challenges they see the shepherd's grandson working through in this play -- figuring out, 'How am I going to respond when God breaks into my life?' "

The congregation will join in singing traditional Christmas carols, Communion will be served and all will have the opportunity to light candles as "Silent Night" is sung.

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