The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, December 28, 2002

Storage containers a hot post-holiday item at local stores

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Taking down those strings of Christmas lights and bows can get tedious.

Storing them can also be problematic. When carpenters build houses, they don't often think to include extra storage space for leftover wrapping paper and artificial Christmas trees.

But post-holiday storage doesn't have to be laborious. Organization is the key, said Samantha Salcedo of Sharon.

Ms. Salcedo's attic is full of systemized storage containers, which she claims she couldn't function without.

"Whoever invented these needs the Nobel prize for storage," she laughed. "I store everything in them. They're the best."

Ms. Salcedo spent Thursday afternoon at Kmart in Hermitage searching for the perfect containers to store her holiday clutter. Three 25-gallon totes proved to be sufficient for her holiday china, trays "and other Christmas junk."

Kmart carries both red and green specialty storage containers made for Christmas trimmings. The bargain totes come in several sizes and choice of modular style, removable dividers and stackable lids.

Hardware stores, such as Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse in Hermitage, also sell specialty systems for storing holiday decorations, lights and artificial trees.

"Storage containers sell very well this time of year," said Brad Filer, manager of the local Lowe's store.

Filer said Lowe's offers a variety of specialty storage options for such items as ornaments, gift wrap and general purposes. Holiday cleanup is simpler when using the proper storage containers, he said.

The various containers solve a traditional tangle with spools to wind lights, garlands and extension cords.

"We have unlimited storage containers," Filer said, adding that large containers and "under-the-bed" boxes are also choice possibilities.

Experts say these special storage systems should gain momentum as fast-paced Americans search for an easier way to organize.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Larissa Theodore at

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